Retreat into the Wilderness

Join in the Timeless Discipleship Pillar of Encountering Christ in the Wilderness

How it Works

For Individuals

Join others on a weekend trip through the Ancient Paths program, including two pre-trip meetings, an outdoor experience, and one post-trip debrief. 

For Groups

Establish a wilderness ministry in your church or community. Wilderness Formation trains in the Theology of Wilderness Ministry, outdoor stewardship, identifying the role of the facilitator, and more while providing lifetime access to our core content library. We offer detailed instructions on how to create your own content and wilderness experiences to fit your community!

We are big believers in the idea that faith is an experience, not just a set of doctrines.

Participate in the ancient spiritual formation practices of solitude, fasting, meditation and prayer; noticing Christ through creation.

Stay Connected

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Gearing Up

Quality gear is an essential component- we keep a robust gear closet so that people without gear of their own can still participate in full.

Check out the full list below.


Sign up for our 2024 PNW Trips!